yenmor writes:
Here's the thing. Have you ever tried to flatten out an orange peal in one piece?
Yes, I have. Since I was a kid, it's been a point of honour among my cousins to do it. You're in for a lot of ribbing if you can't.
yenmor writes:
For instance, Greenland in that map of yours is much bigger than it actually is.
There are lots of other projections besides Mercator that are accurate. All you'd have to do to
really test the idea is to get an accurate map, say a
sinusoidal projection with interuptions (much like an orange peel), cut out the continents and scotch-tape them together by the edges.
I've looked at your video and it's far from convincing. When two coastlines come close together, they are rotated out of view before you can see how well they fit. When they come around again, they fit miraculously but you can't tell if there's any overlap.
(The Mediterranean Sea is one obvious example that isn't explained by simple expansion.)