You have two major issues in this scenario:
1. The area at the north pole and surrounding ocean has been traversed literally hundreds of times since the 1950s.
I know its been a while and we know the American penchant to forget what happened last month let alone last decade but there used to be this thing called
The Cold War. The (now defunct) Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was the big enemy. This war lasted for decades.
The USSR was located right on the other side of the Arctic Ocean from Canada which put it within spitting distance of Washington DC (assuming you're spitting ICBMs) and put Moscow within spitting distance of the Dakotas where we had thousands of ICBMs of our own.
So the Soviets (as we called them way back then), and us and the Canadians and the Brits and the Norwegians would send ships, planes, submarines all over the Arctic Ocean trying to keep tabs on the listening posts, radar installations, base camps and such that we all put out there trying to get an advantage over the other guy. Hell, you could walk from Ellesmere Island to Severnaya Zemlya over all the sonobouys put out without getting your feet wet!**
And guess what? No one fell into a big deep hole in the earth and ended up inside the planet. There is no such thing. We've been there. We know with certainty.
2. Dr. Brooks Agnew, the head of NPIEE (North Pole Inner Earth Expedition) got his degree from himself after long arduous self study in something. He has been President of various electric car companies. The only reason it's various is because he keeps changing the name and the plan and the schedule and the introduction. In one nice piece of work one of his various companies had pictures on its website of various cars. Now this is the website for an electric car company, right? And they're showing pictures of cars, right? The association is clear, right? Except these cars were gas engine or diesel taken at some totally disconnected car show. They looked good, though.
He has been, and continues to be, a HAARP conspiracy nut building replicas of HAARP to show it's evil power. All for the money and the publicity, of course.
Now he wants $3.5 million for this expedition to prove to the world what we already know
is not there.
He's a charlatan. ***
With these two items in mind I wouldn't put much stock in the efficacy of the hypothesis nor the planned expedition to prove it. Chances are that his expedition ship will fall into that big hole in the North Pole never to be seen again with the loss of all hands and the loss of all the investors' money.
What do I think about this?
It's fucking crap.
** Paraphrased from a very good movie. Name the movie and the author of the original book. For extra credit name the two stars that played the protagonists in the movie and their character's names.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.
Edited by AZPaul3, : some more stuff to fix