I believe the dating procedure is grounded in good science.
I do believe in regard to the Shroud of Turin, that the dating procedure was flawed.
But my major point here is that when you can convince people theologically that they are wrong about their own dating, then they may be open to the guessimates of Science.
I have consistently appealed to fundies to revisit the flawed estimates of medieval priests who came up with number 6000 years.
By examining not what these people mouth to us about the age of the Earth, but the method used by those who taught them this error of 6000 years, I believe we can make progress with the church in general.
When they read that the 24 hour day did not exist until the solar clock was created by making the sun the time keeper of Earth time, it becomes clear they can not just add up the ages of the men listed in the Genesis genealogy.
They assumed that since the ages of the people mentioned in scripture is specified, it seemed possible that just adding up those numbers would give a date for the In the beginning.
But, realization that the first seven "days" were NOT 24 hour durations screws this attempt up for them.