I've said nothing about God making a Covenant with America in any sense like the Covenant He made with Israel.
But you did argue that the punishments applied to Israel for breaking their Civenant might be applied to the U.S. Which would only make sense if the U.S. Had a covenant and broke it.
In fact I haven't mentioned a covenant at all. It isn't essential to the point I'm making, which is that God will bless ANY nation that honors Him and obeys His laws, and America did that for most of our history.
WHICH laws ? And isn't the whole New Covenent about dealing with indiviudals rather tha nations anyway ?
As I understand it they dedicated the entire new world to God.
Rather arrogant of them, and hardly something anyone else should be expected to respect,
God doesn't respect man-made institutions that exclude Him.
Then I guess that your problems go all the way back to the founding of the U.S.
And we are told in the NT to take admonition from the Old Testament, which among other things must mean to learn from it how God deals with nations.
Then why look at Israel which is intentionally set up as a special case ?
I made no "parallel" with Israel, I merely drew from the example of Israel what preachers down the centuries since Christ have always done: that God is in charge of nations and judges them according to their honoring of His Law.
The example of Israel, is based on Israel following or violating the Covenant specifically given to Israel. So you did draw a parallel, and an invalid parallel at that. You cannot generalise from the treatment of Israel because the treatment of Israel is based on the existence of a special Covenant. Why can't you understand that ?