We don't need to assume there was no Fall to assume such high numbers you know. They lived even after the Fall to be hundreds of years old so they *could* have had many more than you are accounting for, but what scant evidence there is suggests nobody was procreating at the rate you have in mind, although I agree it certainly seems possible. In Genesis 5, the list of patriarchs, the first son is said to have been conceived when the father is around a hundred years old or older and then other sons and daughters are mentioned but not specified. If Genesis 10 gives the whole picture, Noah only had three sons although he lived to be 950. His descendants, listed by sons only, don't add up to huge numbers, maybe half a dozen to a father, sometimes only two. It's possible of course that many were not reported, only the major heirs in a line, and certainly daughters must have been born but weren't named. But specific names of the men are given, whose genealogies are followed down the centuries, which suggests that the numbers weren't anywhere near what you are guessing, for whatever reason, even for those generations that lived hundreds of years.
What you don't understand that whatever way you put it the population growth would be exponential. even if every couple had a child every 100 years it would just take 8400 years for the number of people to exceed the capabilities of my spreadsheet.
the only solution would be for god to castrate everyone when the population number reaches a cretin point. Or god foresaw this and made sure we ate the apple so people would die off.
to the admin im going from the title
Showing America how to avoid thinking since 1912
maths is basic thinking a world where no one dies and everyone can breed would logically produce an exponential growth of the population, those who are thinking that being immortal on earth if we dint eat the apple are not thinking because it would not take long for the earth to be filled back to back with humans.
Edited by frako, : No reason given.
Christianity, One woman's lie about an affair that got seriously out of hand
What are the Christians gonna do to me ..... Forgive me, good luck with that.