I guess I'm asking us to consider who among us has no irrational stance on anything. There but for the grace of God go us, except that God granted us no such grace and we are in all likelihood treading our own irrational path on some topic or another. We err if we deem creationists to be poor misbegotten souls of an inferior caste. They are us and we are them.
No I'm not. It's all very well going all dewy-eyed and
Homo sum, humani nihil a me alienum puto about them, but there are differences. For example, I wouldn't presume to teach others about a scientific subject without first having looked at a relevant textbook. I have spent what must amount to several working days this year alone looking up quotations and references to verify them. (Not just about evolution, I have other interests, but still.) I find out what my intellectual opponents think by reading what they have written, and criticize them accordingly. And so forth. There are subjects on which I may still be
irrational --- who knows? --- but at least I am
conscientious. This does, I think, make them inferior to me, because they have failed, not through want of reason, but through want of effort. Any man may be irrational now and then, but no-one is obliged to be habitually and systematically lazy.