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Author Topic:   Continuation of Flood Discussion
Archer Opteryx
Member (Idle past 3914 days)
Posts: 1811
From: East Asia
Joined: 08-16-2006

Message 169 of 1304 (731427)
05-10-2014 4:19 PM

Everything in the world is not made of dried mud
Percy writes:
You can no more deposit sedimentary layers in a month than you could age a fine wine in an hour.
That's a great way of putting it. If I'm a reasonable fundy lurking out there, this is the kind of statement that gets me thinking.
Could I make wine in an hour? If I've insisted it had been done all over the world in the past, I should at least try. It's reasonable of others to ask me to do it if I expect to be convincing.
Has any creationist made limestone from mud in one year? They insist it's been done. So why don't they show us? It's the best way to show there's no violation of physical laws involved in the concept.
They never do this.
Give Baylor University a lot of credit. It's a Baptist university in Texas that offers the excellent Baylor Geology FAQ page. It should be required reading for all Bible thumpers.
Take it from the Baptists: science has the goods.

Archer O
All species are transitional.

Archer Opteryx
Member (Idle past 3914 days)
Posts: 1811
From: East Asia
Joined: 08-16-2006

Message 171 of 1304 (731429)
05-10-2014 5:35 PM

Re: Everything in the world is not made of dried mud
A fossil boot from Paluxy, eh?
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Off-topic banner.

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