And also: the discovery doesn't prove creationism or even a young earth. At best it proves recent dinosaurs, and it doesn't even do that.
Of course, the burden-of-proof isn't upon anyone to prove a "recent dinosaur", unless one assumes that fragmentary and tenuous, inductive, historical evidence "proves old dinosaurs". Which it doesn't of course, the only people to believe it does are people who conflate the term, "proof" with "evidence" like the person who started the thread did.
Any materialist conclusion is acceptable, no matter how silly, (example: abiogenesis) and any Theistic offerings are rejected, no matter how
sound.(Overt information code in organisms)
As long as people don't confuse the soundness of a claim with all those that are accepted by mainstream science, as opposed to an actual syllogistic offering, then I'm happy. After all, if history had went the other way, then Darwin would have been thrown out if he was alive today. This in itself tells us nothing about the legitimacy of a claim. It should also be pointed out that evolutionists should try to avoid the Ad Logicam fallacy, which they should read up about if they want to know how that would potentially pertain to an issue such as this.
At best it proves recent dinosaurs, and it doesn't even do that.
I agree. It would be confirmation evidence represented by the consequent in a conditional implication, because we would expect to find preserved, "less old" tissue if the earth and life is younger, as opposed to millions of years older, because it doesn't makes sense to suspend scientific-laws on behalf of a theory.
Dinosaur soft tissue and protein--even more confirmation! - creation.comworm fossils still soft -
Of course the claims in the links, I wouldn't say are "final proof" by any means. Anyone silly enough to take out a strawman-policy against mike might regret it. my only point is that there are genuine scientists that argue strong arguments in favour of young-dinosaurs.
I concede the technicality that this would only prove a younger dinosaur, so you made two logically correct statements;
1. It wouldn't be proof.
2. It would be evidence of a young organism.