Lack of belonging is a feeling of being alone and neglected. Lack of identity is the unease of not knowing who you are and experiencing wild swings from one self-concept to another. Lack of meaning is a sense that the world is random or ruled by evil forces. Lack of purpose is boredom and a feeling of uselessness, of not having any reason to get out of bed. When all four of these needs are unsatisfied, life is hell.
The process of weaving together belonging, identity, meaning, and purpose is usually accomplished through a living culture, which we might say includes a mysterious spiritual component. We know that in cultures where everyone has a place and a purpose and a stable way of life, addiction is rarely found.
-bruce k alexander, interview with the sun
Filling The Void | By Jari Chevalier | Issue 519 | The Sun Magazine
Addiction is caused by social dislocation.
Edited by messenjaH of oNe, : No reason given.
Edited by messenjaH of oNe, : No reason given.
Edited by messenjaH of oNe, : No reason given.