When someone throws a brand new geological situation at me and asks me to explain it in terms of the Flood, the best I can do is perhaps think it out in terms of the Flood hypothesis. Asking for evidence for something I've been acquainted with for all of a few hours is rather beyond beyond. The request is really only a way of saying Take your creationism elsewhere, it doesn't belong here.
And you know what, that's correct, arguing creationism here is an exercise in masochism.
When I was a creationist, I used to come into forums an be confronted with questions that were over my head, because I wasn't familiar enough with the subject matter. Initially, I was treated as you are here, but it subsided. Do you know why? Because I ignored the insults, AND did not insult in return. I ignored the arrogance, AND left my own hubris at home. I answered questions directly, and admitted when my stance was faulty. I took the time to read articles on BOTH sides of the fence.
Eventually, most of the people with whom I spoke came to respect me and my approach, even if they didn't agree with my position.