Because the pattern quantises coincidental appearances...
Poor Max Planck.
Not being a scientist you probably have no idea of the brutal amounts of energy it takes to get a dead person to turn over, let alone spin, in their grave.
Appearances are mostly coincidental triggered and depend on camera positions and environmental conditions, for example a tree that covers a person.
...or the writers and directors set the appearances specifically to further the plot but to the artistically ignorant these appearances seem coincidental.
Because the pattern quantises coincidental appearances that emerge to a pattern that was not created by chance with a probability of 1:10^7 it is assumed that there is a bias or an intelligent agent in chance itself.
So to translate, since the appearances show the specific pattern of the writer's and the director's intent and not chance, you assume there is an intelligent agent operating in chance. OK.
Let me get this straight now. You take a few episodes of a television program in which the character appearances are specifically determined by the writer and director and determine that the appearances do not match some obscurely determined chance probability (whatever that means). This you hold as proof that your specific flavor of god operates the universe.
Hey, I'm sold! I am flabbergasted that no reputable science journal would snap this up for publication in a heartbeat. It has "Stockholm" written all over it.
Edited by AZPaul3, : No reason given.