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Author | Topic: New Species of Homo Discovered: Homo naledi | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
"Professor Faith" writes: Not Artist renderings are untrustworthy. Beside which, as I said, if it's human it's human, but I don't trust whoever decides that anyway. Yes, because you rather trust a handful of religious extremists with close to zero experience in the field than hundreds of thousands of scientists who have devoted their entire lives to scientific inquiry.
"Professor Faith" writes: Not enough skull there though, and the one hand isn't convincingly human, and the ribs are too skimpy for the general heft of the bones. Now I'm doubting it's one skeleton. And evidently, the below photo of the homo naledi find (one of the more intact skeletons) is "too skimpy" for you. You, Faith, who have zero credentials, knowledge, or experience to back up your baseless accusations.
Here are skeleton remains from Jamestown, a mere 400 years ago. Not much more intact than the homo naledi fossils, though much younger. The differences between the two, even to the average person are evident.
So stop speaking from ignorance, Faith. Stop drinking the religious extremist/fundamentalist kool-aid. You can believe in a supernatural being and still believe in evolution (I do). They are not mutually exclusive (many Jews, Catholics, and Protestants accept biological evolution as fact). I have been away from this thread for several years, but your utter and deliberate ignorance and obfuscation is ridiculous and embarrasing. At least bring some type of intelligence argument to the table instead of the inane and idiotic banter you display here. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : Sorry, it has been so long, I forgot how to post pictures correctly ![]() Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given."It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World "In coming to understand anything we are rejecting the facts as they are for us in favour of the facts as they are. - C.S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
Hey, they did show the bones this time. Provide evidence of when paleontologists did not provide evidence of their finds. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given."It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World "In coming to understand anything we are rejecting the facts as they are for us in favour of the facts as they are. - C.S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
You can see differences between these two sets skelatons by just looking at these photos. I am not a trained paleontologist but I can see very evident differences i.e. bone size, shape, curvature, etc. Just by a cursory glance (granted I have studied human anatomy pretty extensively in pre-med). This has nothing to do with one's faith (no pun intended), and everything to do with the acknowledgment of the evidence staring at you in your face. Yet you would rather blind and bind yourself by making the unsubstantiated argument that evolution could never occur. You have yet to provide any evidence that bolsters your claim, none.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
Talk to any forensic scientist, they do not need an entire skelaton to identify a person. Of course the more complete a skeleton, the easier it is. Good think about most animal bodies is that they are symmetrical. Only one side is really required. In addition, ligaments, muscles and even facial estimations can be conducted on the skull and other skelatal remains. Estimates of facial features are conducted frequently in forensic science to identify the remains of John and Jane Does.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
Really Faith? Are you really that ignorant to think scientists (some of who are liscenced medical doctors/researchers) do not understand this. These skelatal remains are typically outside the range of human variability. In addition, the physiological structure of the bones in no way matches any type of modern human, giant or dwarf. And yes, if you actually read the research findings in scientific jounals instead of the sensationalism of newspapers and magazines you will read the exact physical dimensions and other details of these skeletal remains.
Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
No they don't Faith.
Here is homo sapiens compared to neanderthal (humans closest cousins).
Vastly different, no modern human skull looks like this. Ask any medical researcher, forensic scientist or paleontologist.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
So you rather we trust someone like you who is totally ignorant in this subject.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
None of the skulls on the left look anything like modern human skulls.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
Convincing to who?
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined:
I give up Faith. Just admit you have zero evidence for your claims and you are totally and deliberately ignorant in this area. You make zero effort to back up anything you say. This is why I left evc forum the last time. Because people like you make stupid unsubstantiated claims against the mountains of evidence that you snidely dismiss. I am done with your idiocy. Good night.
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
What is so funny is that you Hovind claim extreme variability aka evolution after the flood from pairs of each species in a timeline thousands of fold more rapid than what modern science shows. How utterly ridiculous and inane. Good night for the last time
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined: |
rapid phenotypic variation. aka biological evolution. It is the same thing. What you mention is one form of biological evolution i.e. the isolation of genetic traits in the form of phenotypic variation. Biological evolution is genetic change over time (sometimes rapid, sometimes not depending on what is driving this change). The real question is what drives this change (phenotypic variation) and what happens when this genetic variation is so great that organisms are not able to mate with each other (speciation). Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given."It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring." - Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World "In coming to understand anything we are rejecting the facts as they are for us in favour of the facts as they are. - C.S. Lewis, An Experiment in Criticism
DevilsAdvocate Member (Idle past 3427 days) Posts: 1548 Joined:
That artist's concept is ridiculous. So you are totally unaware of forensic science. Over the past several decades forensic scientists and forensic artists have used facial reconstruction techniques to help match unidentified skeleton remains to missing persons around the globe. This is the same technology and methods used to help determine the physical appearance of these fossil remains.
If the bones suggest that kind of physiognomy it's not a human being. Agreed, it isn't a human being. But it isn't a chimpanzee, gorilla, or orangutan either. It is closer in resemblance to human beings than to chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans. But it is clearly neither. So what is it, Faith?
Speciation is just a point in the microevolution where genetic differences caused by the reduction in genetic variability make breeding impossible. You have it backwards. A reduction in genetic variability (aka organisms become more gentically similar) typically by itself does NOT cause speciation within that same group. Just think about it. Something has to cause a group of animals to become more genetically similar. That is usually a bottleneck of some sort i.e. a reduction in population caused by natural or human activity. Speciation usually occurs when a group of organisms is isolated (either physically or some other mechanism) from another group of the same species. Because these two groups are now genetically separate and little to no genetic information is shared between these two groups occur (through mating). Therefor, they drift apart genetically until at some point they differ so much genetically that they are no longer able to mate with each other. Thus they are now two separate species. Evolution is that simple. And no there is no difference between micro and macro evolution. One is just a view of evolution up close and the other is from a distance; just the same as view a leaf of a tree with magnifying glass and the other viewing the entire tree from a distance.
It's still the same creature. The idea that it's a new species is completely bogus, just an assumption based on the theory. Species by definition is a group of organisms that differ genetically to such a degree from organisms that they cannot mate and have offspring. Not sure what you find problematic about this concept. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given. Edited by DevilsAdvocate, : No reason given.
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