The link below is to an article that talks about doctors who reject evolution, that was inspired by Ben Carson's position.
Why Do Some Doctors Reject Evolution? - Pacific Standard
"Why Do Some Doctors Reject Evolution?"
Most physicians are not scientists. This is not a knock, but they're more akin to engineers," Gorski says. "They take science that's already known and they apply it to a problem, the problem being making patients better."
"Routine medical care doesn't require a whole lot of thinking about underlying biology or evolution," says Gilbert Omenn, a doctor and researcher at the University of Michigan. "The why and even the how is not essential, if you have good published evidence that something works and you've seen it work in some of your patients, then it's enough to try and help your patient as best you can."
One survey, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine in 2005, found that American doctors are about as likely to be religious as the general populationwhich is to say, very likely. And religiosity, it's well-known, correlates with a rejection of evolution. This stands in contrast to scientists, who are much less likely than the average American adult to be religious.
Another potential culprit: the memorization-based nature of medical training, which may give a doctor-to-be the impression that biology is a made up list of facts to recall; not a process that has gathered evidence for concepts like evolution over generations of experimentation. Most medical schools offer their students the opportunity to do some research, to give them a taste of the other side, but it's clearly not enough to change their rates of acceptance of evolutionary theory.
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History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people. Martin Luther King
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