Hi Phat
Just a couple of comments. I contend that the Bible is fairly clear that Jesus went into Jerusalem and inevitably the cross on the faith that this was the vocation and role that He was to fulfill. I don't believe that He had supernatural knowledge of what was going to happen to Him.
Yes He died and was buried. He said that He would be underground, (dead) for three days and then that God would somehow act to vindicate Him. In this passage, but not in Matthew 16:21 He mentions Jonah in the fish for 3 days. In the Matthew 16 verse He talks about rising on the 3rd day. I think that the rising is a fairly obvious reference to Daniel 7 with the rising of the Son of Man who is presented to the Ancient of Days and given dominion over the Kingdom. As for the 3 days, even though He spoke about Jonah I think it actually goes back further to Moses coming down the mountain after 3 days.
I think that presents the best explanation for what Jesus has said in those verses. Remember His faith was derived from the Scriptures and from prayer and it is His faith and belief that somehow God would vindicate Him and His message based on those Scriptures. The resurrection was how God the Father ,to whom Jesus prayed, responded.
He has told you, O man, what is good ; And what does the LORD require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God.
Micah 6:8