These guys are idiots. The whole purpose of the "show" is to dumb down the science so they can attack it in front of a bunch of people who don't know any better (such as yourself). Five minutes looking at the ACTUAL science will show you that these two morons have no idea what they're talking about.
Here is a good example:
Around the 25:00 mark Smith posts a quote (mine) from a paper in an attempt to give the impression that even scientists question the chromosomal fusion in 2q13-2q14. If you read the ACTUAL PAPER -
Genomic Structure and Evolution of the Ancestral Chromosome Fusion Site in 2q13–2q14.1 and Paralogous Regions on Other Human Chromosomes - PMC - the authors do indeed make this statement, HOWEVER, they then go on to give three plausible explanations for the degeneration.
Would you care to explain why these two felt it necessary to quote mine in order to make their argument?