In essence, he postulates rapid plate tectonics of 2 metre per second causing massive tsunamis which wash over the continents and erode them. There are fast ocean currents to carry the sediment load required, which gradually slow as the plate speed drops off, and the sediment is deposited.
I am aware that Baumgardner had proposed extra rapid sea floor spreading, but I had never encountered the tsunami term being used.
Just to refresh the reality record, increased sea floor spreading rates are indeed thought to be the major cause of the major sea transgressions onto the continents. The idea is that increased rates cause the oceanic crust as a whole to be warmer, less dense, and more buoyant in floating on the mantle. Thus the sea floor rises significantly and displaces water onto the continents (and I would think that the continents would also have to subside to some degree).
Somewhere in the past, I calculated that if the sea floors were brought up to what is currently sea level, the water level on the continents would (IIRC) rise several thousand feet. This is considerably more that what is found in the geologic record, which I believe to be in the ballpark of (maybe) 2000 feet maximum.
There is also the consideration, that the biosphere heating by this extreme spreading rate would truly cook the planet. Which would get the largely sterilizing the planet job done. Even more extreme than the standard "flood story".
Critiquing by other geologists (and non-geologists) welcome. Although this would thrash the "state of the on-topic" even worse than currently.