Fascinating post Dr Adequate. Have any creationists tried to explain a mechanism by which the sorting also seems to affect the stomach content of fossilised animals?
Anyway, to my main point. I have just returned from a family holiday where I found myself awestruck by the most amazing example of miraculous sorting that you could imagine. I was camping in the Flinders Ranges of South Australia, part of a geological sequence of mainly marine sedimentary rocks known as the Adelaide Geosyncline. This sedimentary sequence is around 1000km long and several hundred km wide. Imagine a depositional environment similar in size to that part of the Mexican Gulf bordered by Mexico. It was big. Yet within this massive >300,000 square km of largely outcropping sediment you will not find a single fish fossil. Indeed, you will not find a shark fossil, a reptile, amphibian, mammal, ammonite, crab, beetle, gastropod, starfish... The list goes on. The hairs stand erect on the back of my neck just thinking about it.
Upon returning from my trip and logging on to EVC forum to discuss this exciting realisation, my first thought was to perhaps try and classify what sorting mechanism might achieve this amazing circumstance. But then on reading a recent post by Faith I had a sudden thought. Perhaps someone, or something, is lying to me?