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Author Topic:   The Geological Timescale is Fiction whose only reality is stacks of rock
Suspended Member (Idle past 1769 days)
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From: Nevada, USA
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Message 1 of 4 (787787)
07-21-2016 6:53 PM

Asgara has been pleading with us to take the discussion of strata off the thread about fossil order to another thread. I didn't find a thread in the Geology Forum that seemed like a good fit so I'm proposing another, with my lovely cartoon (from Message 380) as its theme:
Which got explained in Message 383 this way:
Faith writes:
What you don't get is that all those scenes you ascribe to various Time Periods are purely imaginary. The actual evidence is the surface of slabs of rock that are all stacked up. They are associated with Time Periods, whose supposed character is constructed out of some characteristics of the rock plus the flotsam within the rock, but the actual evidence is merely the rock and its superficial characteristics.
If you like you may draw some dinosaur footprints wherever indicated on the surface of a particular rock, some other fossilized impressions perhaps, or some ripple marks, burrow holes, raindrops etc. But the point is that the surface of these rocks is ALL you have to represent the actual surface of the Earth in the indicated Time Period. You have no mountains, rivers, trees, canyons, etc. except as imaginary constructs you impose on these clues.
All you have is the relatively flat surface of sedimentary rocks. I'm going through this book about the Grand Canyon that led off the thread on AIG's view of the canyon, and of course it's full of drawings of the strata, all identified with the Time Period assigned to each. The surfaces of these strata cover enormous swaths of geography; they are the ONLY physical representation of the actual surface of the earth in the assigned time period, obviously a flattish rock surface with some markings on it, and NOTHING ELSE.
There is something very very wrong with this picture but you don't see it, do you? What you "see" is what you IMAGINE was there, not the strata themselves which is ALL that was there.
As usual what seems obvious to me is being fought tooth and nail by those who couldn't bear to see the Flood emerge as the actual explanation for the evidence, and that in a nutshell is what the argument at the other thread has been since I posted that cartoon.
There are lots of posts at the other thread I should try to answer starting about HERE so that's probably where I should start if and when this gets promoted.
Or maybe I should start by answering some in this OP, so it shouldn't be promoted until I get that done.
ABE: So let's start with HBD's in Message 473
The totally bizarre thing about this whole line of discussion is that it seems that Faith thinks that if the earth is old, as mainstream geology has determined, then we should see fully functional landscapes buried beneath loads of sediment.
No, what I'm saying is that what is actually seen is stacks of rocks that make it impossible for there ever to have been any such landscape as is inferred from the contents and qualities of those rocks. This isn't expecting to see such a landscape, it is expecting to see that such a landscape was possible and finding out it wasn't, that it is nothing but a fiction.
But if the global flood story is true, we should see highly organized sediments and fossil sequences that are structured into discrete, systematic units. The logic of this is just completely dumbfounding. It is like saying that good drivers have lots of traffic violations, accidents and insurance claims while the lousy drivers have impeccable driving records. I am not sure there is any remedy for this contention.
Strange analogy and unrelated to my argument. The orderliness of the fossil record seems to be a problem for the Flood if that's where you start, but if you start by recognizing that the OE explanation is in fact physically impossible then there is nothing left but the Flood to explain the facts.
So far it should have been made clear that the great extent of the strata of the Geologic Column takes the place of any landscape inferred to have existed in each time period. If where there should be dinosaurs roaming there is only in reality a huge slab of rock (or a sea transgression etc) then dinosaurs simply could not have been roaming in that putative "time period." The time period is a fiction. The dinosaurs roamed before the Geo Column was laid down, on an actual landscape before it was covered in sediments miles deep.
I think I'll stop there for now and get to the other posts after this gets promoted.
OR: Here's another cartoon for you. Sorry for the messy drawing.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

Replies to this message:
 Message 2 by Adminnemooseus, posted 07-21-2016 10:47 PM Faith has not replied
 Message 3 by Adminnemooseus, posted 07-22-2016 9:23 PM Faith has not replied

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