If there is one consistency within the group that hold that the 'literal' reading of the bible is the one true way and also attempt to dabble in 'scientific' explanations, it's a lack of understanding or respect or application of the "If / Then" conditional statement.
They say things and then when the downstream implications of their statements are pointed out to them they cry some version of "That's not my point" or "Strawman". The results of a conditional statement are not a strawman whether or not you thought of or like the outcome.
Someone here (Percy?) did a piece on this very thing once using the claim of a car traveling some long distance in one hour and the driver then denying the obvious results of the "IF you drove that far in that amount of time, THEN you broke the law" conclusion. "I NEVER SAID I BROKE THE LAW - YOU'RE PUTTING WORDS IN MY MOUTH - YOU BROUGHT THAT UP, NOT ME" was the cry in response.
I know that some minds have a more natural affinity for logic than others, but I still believe that for those of us in the US at least, in our education system we are failing to get the basics across in an adequate manner.