Hi Faith
Faith writes:
In the "time periods" associated with the strata, all that happened is that creatures died, they could not have lived because there was no landscape for them to live in, because the whole idea of time periods and landscapes for each is a fiction. That is the argument I hope to make clear.
I want to address the last portion of this paragraph, where you say:
because the whole idea of time periods and landscapes for each is a fiction. That is the argument I hope to make clear.
You believe this because you believe in a young earth for which there is zero evidence.
In order to make the argument clear, you would have to present evidence to support your assertions, that all the layers were laid down during the year of the flood of Noah.
I am Old Earth creation and you are young earth creation.
I would like to challenge you to present a argument using the King James Version Bible and the Hebrew text to convince me that the catastrophic flood you believe covered the earth is Biblical.
You can also quote AIG to your mind's content.
If you choose to accept such a challenge reply to this message with the word 'YES' and I will begin a thread in Bible Study.
God Bless,
Edited by ICANT, : correct spelling
"John 5:39 (KJS) Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me."