But if the global flood story is true, we should see highly organized sediments and fossil sequences that are structured into discrete, systematic units
I'm not sure who said this but it is a prime example of an untested conditional probably based on an strawman version of the flood. The flood had an inundatory and recessional stage. The recessional stage consisted of an abative phase and a dispersive phase. We can explain geomorphology by expounding the abative phase, and we can explain the creation of strata during the inundatory stage.
The placement of fossils would be dependent on the particular circumstances of their burial, based on whether they had been trawled and dumped, etc...flume experiments have proven than no matter which strata a fossil was in,
because strata is laid down simultaneously when there is a current, the fossils would all be the same age if the strata was created by a current . This would mean that the fossil patterns would only represent the ecological zones that existed at the time of the catastrophism.
I see untested conditionals a LOT with conspiracy theorists, they go something like this;
"If we had gone to the moon the radiation would have killed the astronauts".
Unless we can go to the moon to test if that is true under the original apollo conditions, then the conditional implication only remains a speculation like if we can't test a flood it only remains speculation, because conditional implications are characterized by consequents that MUST and indeed 100% always follow the antecedent, as proven by experimentation or testing. So speculative attempts to argue, "if the flood had happened then X, Y and Z would exist", are usually silly attempts to flippantly dismiss the flood when in reality the person arguing the conditional, is not arguing from a place of knowledge for they couldn't possibly predict the full outcome of a global flood, nobody could. We can only state what would reasonably follow had there been a flood,
as a reasonable assumption.
What we actually see from experimental testing with flumes, is that uniform principles do not apply to flowing currents which provably show that facies can be created quickly, and they break both the principle of superposition and continuity.
IOW, when strata, under experimental conditions, are formed quickly, it can be shown that they are created by direction of the current and are laid down vertically and laterally,
(of course the flip-side of conditionals, is we can also use our own, and say, "if long ages are true then we would see less scarcity of plant fossils in many formations containing abundant animal fossils of herbivores"
The Coconino sandstone in the Grand Canyon has many track-ways (animals), but is almost devoid of plants. Implication: these rocks are not ecosystems but are evidence of catastrophic transportation.
Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.
Edited by mike the wiz, : No reason given.