Cat's eye, the problem is other people without these mental issues, have also had similar experiences of, "finding God", and so do we conclude they all are having some kind of psychotic experiences? That doesn't make sense because the ones without those mental issues also find God. So then for every Christian testimony which they all describe similar things, you have to reason separate causes. Not a very parsimonious explanation, when the neatest answer is that God is the cause.
Anyone can suggest a number of plausible explanations of course, as to why it was a bit of indigestion or whatever...but in reality the individual knows when something significantly deeper, has happened to them. It's ultimately up to you to decide that. Is life just an accident? If you have decided it is, then isn't that a decision of the will? How then can God lead you if you insist he is an undigested bit of potato?
Ask God to confirm it.
New cat's eye, I think it can't be coincidental that the bible says that those who seek God will find Him, that He "resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble".
The real question is; why do only the humble find God? Why do those who come to the end of themselves and cry out to God, always get an answer? Why do all those who are born again experience God's answers, and the Holy Spirit, in some way and describe the same experiences? You are giving a testimony, a Christian testimony, and I have heard hundreds of them, and they all describe highly similar occurrences, the person is always humble, and willing to hear from God if He is really there. Something happens that changes them. An inner knowing. There may also be a experience which generalisation-fallacy-lovers would call a, "religious experience" so as to
broaden the target, and lump in the born-again experience, with all other religious manmade, pseudo-gold.
I think you have now experienced the start perhaps, of being born-again, which is NOT RELIGION, and you must surely know the difference now, if you really have found Him.
The catholic church unfortunately, teaches a DEAD version of prayer. I don't say this out of bias, for all churchianity-establishments are ultimately inventions of man. True Christianity is everything Christ said it is, so perhaps it's time to listen to what He said, if He is the head of the church, rather than Pope evolutionist the 743rd.

I would say if it is difficult to pray it is because,
"you must unlearn what you have learnt". - Yoda, - The Empire Strikes Back.

Now you're dealing with THE REAL THING and I can tell you if you have tasted the real thing, you must surely know how DEAD religion is, and how religion is a CHEAP COPY of the true gospel.
That is - you asked as a real-life experience, for God's help, you communicated, WHICH IS PRAYER. Now all you have to say is, "God lead me from here, if that was you."
I would suggest reading the bible. What I do is I ask God to lead me to the answers in His word.
I would say, don't stop seeking God now with a tally of 1. Choose to go forward.
As for encounters with God, in the sense of a genuine experience, I have experienced that. The presence of God fell on me in an unequivocal way once.
...if life is an accident, if it's all a big-banged tornado in a junkyard, then to my mind, logically speaking, specifically answered prayer wouldn't happen generally, nor would the other 4,500 specific answers God has given me, have happened, because it would just be a random, indifferent, universe where there is no God to answer. And what about all the other born again people, who also have specifically answered prayers? Have you ever watched Christian testimonies on utube or on Christian TV? It's time to start - pretty soon you'll realise they all describe pretty much the same experiences, very consistently.
You have to cut through the phlegm and ask this question; "does this fit with a universe where God does exist and can communicate to me like the bible says, or does it fit with a random Godless universe where you wouldn't expect a specific answer."
Edited by mike the wiz, : you don't have to answer this post, I understand if you can't value what I say because of what I stand for. I think you should start to investigate evolution, you will be surprised if you read for example, articles, just how quickly it falls apart if your mind has been shaken and forced to think more objectively. All of a sudden, those who sounded like demons and of whom you were told were demons, will seem like angels.