NCE writes:
The blame lays on the people who voted for Trump, and also the Hillary campaign for not appealing broadly enough to win the electoral votes while claiming victory too early.
No, the protest vote people were also to blame.
Permit me to go out on a limb and invoke godwin's law to make my point bleedingly obvious.
The nazis were obviously evil. But the british had laws against homosexuality. And the Americans had that segregation thing. So, in an act of protest, I'll support the side that has absolutely no chance of winning, mainly the penguins of Antarctica.
Do you not see the obvious fallacy in protest voting?
Look, I get it. A lot of people don't like Clinton. I happen to love her, but I get that years of the right caricaturizing her has taken its toll. So, you people would rather let someone like Trump ruin the country?
If you say the word "gullible" slowly, it sounds like oranges. Go ahead and try it.