Illegal immigration is now down 70% (the lowest in 17 years)
Not an accomplishment.
Bids for border wall are well underway.
Not an accomplishment.
Travel ban reinstated.
Not an accomplishment.
Created an office for illegal immigrant crime victims.
Not an accomplishment.
End of DAPA program.
Not an accomplishment.
All of the above are only accomplishments to those with racist and fascist worldviews. They are not accomplishments towards giving people greater liberty and freedom.
$700 million saved with F-35 renegotiation.
The F-35 sucks. Saving $700 million on a sucky project to begin with isn't an accomplishment.
Has already accomplished more to stop government interference into people's lives than any President in the history of America.
Lol wut
What's the p-value on that? What statistical tests and data points were used to arrive at that conclusion?