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Author Topic:   Some evidence for voter fraud
Suspended Member (Idle past 1759 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 1 of 4 (797852)
01-28-2017 10:04 AM

I'd start a coffee house thread on this but I'm banned from the coffee house so I'm putting it here.
Here are a couple of Infowars reports on evidence for voter fraud including the claim by Trump of millions of illegals voting. It's mostly quotes from various studies over the last few years, and it's mostly video so pinning down the facts from among the other stuff is very tedious and I'm not up to it right now. Maybe I can come back later and fill it in. So this is preliminary but I think there is enough here to raise serious questions about the integrity of the "mainstream" media in reporting this.
For now all I can do is ask that people take the time to listen to the reports because it's just about the only place you are going to hear anything that contradicts the "mainstream" media lies.''
A written report on the same info from the same page:
A study revealing that over 800,000 non-citizens voted for Hillary Clinton doesn’t account for dead and fraudulent voters, which accounted for over 25 million registered voters duringthe 2012 presidential election — and little has changed since then.
Illegal alien voters combined with dead and multiple state voters could easily explain Clinton’s popular vote margin over Donald Trump in the 2016 presidential election, especially considering that her victory came from Democratic-controlled counties known for illegal immigration and loose voter ID laws such as in New York and California.
The Pew study found that almost 3 million people are registered to vote in more than one state, NPR added.
There was a report on the Drudge Report of a study that showed that there were 800,000 illegals who voted for Hillary, which is considered to be one of many different studies that together add up to the millions that Trump is claiming. For some reason I can't find this report on Drudge and my eyes keep giving out in the effort.
And if I can I will come back and add evidence on the numbers that attended the inauguration. At the moment I can say I've heard that the photo offered in proof of extremely low attendance at Trump's inauguration is false, and it looked false to me when I first saw it. There are even a few possible clues in the photo itself, a few identical trees in both the Obama and Trump pictures for instance, eight years apart yet. And don't such surveillance photos normally have the date and time stamped onto the film rather than added later as is clearly the case here? And another thought is that people were still arriving after the time given on the supposed Trump film, if the film even counts at all. I myself haven't doubted that Obama's attendance was much larger so I apparently disagree with Trump's information. Doesn't make my sources right or his right either. Something to find out.
I understand more evidence is required so I hope to come up with it.
Edited by Faith, : No reason given.

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 Message 2 by Admin, posted 01-28-2017 11:44 AM Faith has replied

Suspended Member (Idle past 1759 days)
Posts: 35298
From: Nevada, USA
Joined: 10-06-2001

Message 3 of 4 (797859)
01-28-2017 12:14 PM
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01-28-2017 11:44 AM


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