Faith, you're a RIGHT wing Christian and surely a Republican... NO, surely I am not misrepresenting you. Thats the game. Church Christians for the most part are put in the Republican con rather than the Democratic con. Both are deceived.
Why because your church system teaches and preaches wealth shows godliness, therefore you have to be for capitalism and the rich rather than the poor. Why because church people blame the poor for being poor, and socialistic and communistic and the other terms they use to degrade the poor, and pretend their love of liberty makes them rich or hope to make them rich. (IE their religion of materialism matches their mind set of worshipping things and power)
You as a Republican must favor Trump, although now the ultimate con is taking place where your side rejects its own, and gets manipulated into a civil war...... so the dark side can further manipulate their NWO.
Thats it... the con is destroyed by the discerning.
Politics is a total con, just like evolution.... not much difference, just lies and a con, to make people think they are masters of their lives.
Mystery solved, this thread can move on and back to truths now.
Edited by Davidjay, : No reason given.
Evolution is not science. It did not create life nor did it diversify life. It didn;t create the laws that exist nor did it create science. It is a religion and not Science.
Intelligent design always defeats evolutions lack of design and lack of intelligence. Luck and Chance is not a scientific doctrine,