One other show that I might recommend to everyone who likes space sci fi is The Expanse on the SyFy network. It is based off of a set of books James S.A. Corey (which is actually a pen name for two authors) and it takes place about 200 years in the future.
The show actually is contained entirely within our solar system, which has been divided into Earth/Luna, the Mars Republic and The Belt (a reference to people that live and work in the asteroid belt).
What makes the show different from many others is that it really takes the physics seriously. There are no fancy technologies like artificial gravity, inertial dampeners, faster than light capability, transporters, etc. All the engineering of the ships is very much grounded in reality. And the special effects are surprisingly good considering it is a TV show. CGI has come a long way and can produce very inexpensive and amazing effects.
They are into the second season now, but you should be able to watch everything on demand if you have it.
Trailer is here for anyone interested: