Should have mentioned that it's produced, written, and directed by the Wachowskis (The Matrix) and J. Michael Straczynski (Babylon 5).
The premise is that there exist clusters of people, sensates, who are psychically connected, so that they can feel what the others feel, visit with each other, and use each other's body to perform tasks (hint, when visiting and they pick up something or sample some English tea, it's through the physical body that's there). These clusters are seen as a threat by a powerful organization, possibly governmental, led by a powerful sensate, Whispers, who hunts down other sensates. The show is about a cluster of 8 sensates scattered around the world (San Francisco, Mexico City, Chicago, London, Berlin, Nairobi, Mumbai, Seoul) which is just starting to become connected. Each has skills that they use to help each other.
To get a sample, there are several video clips on YouTube, for example:'s not all action:
All the switching of bodies in the audience's perspective is done with camera work, not special effects. The production crew circled the globe filming all the scenes which integrate different locales very tightly. The Wachowskis had worked all that out ahead of time and kept it all straight.