Taq writes:
Faith writes:
The solutions being proposed are worse, however, by everybody's standards, nobody likes any of it. No idea where all this is going to end up. I haven't needed a lot of medical care fortunately but I've got Medicare plus Medicaid so I haven't had to think about what it costs. People are still paying for Obamacare though.
They are far worse. Republicans want to allow insurance companies to sell bad insurance to healthy people so that their premiums are lower. These plans will hardly cover anything, so it is a bit laughable to call it insurance to begin with. What this does is take healthy people out of the risk pools and leaves a much higher percentage of sick people. This will cause premiums to skyrocket. On top of that, they want to take away some of those subsidies so not only will premiums skyrocket for sick people but they will be getting less assistance as well.
That doesn't even get to their plan to gut Medicaid which is the largest health care provider in the country.
It is even worse, particularly for the willfully ignorant folk that would support the utter stupid plan proposed by the current crop of Conservatives.
Even those who are healthy today and could get by with the emasculated plan the Conservatives are trying to market will get sick at sometime in the future.
When that happens they will find that their utter stupidity in allowing this to happens simply means the safety net and money pool or insurance they need is simply unavailable.
Granted, they will likely be the last folk killed by this stupid bill and not the first, but it will still fuck them royally in the end.
The rich though will get richer. Screw anyone else.
Oh and Faith, they plan on fucking up both your Medicare and Medicaid as well.