Christian7 writes:
Is not science dependable, in so far as it is done properly, because it draws right conclusions concerning the physical world, which, for some reason, continues from the beginning and still continues, according the the Laws that govern it?
Christian7 writes:
But, by what power, or by what governor, do these laws subsist?
It doesn't matter. Whether your car is gasoline or electric, you drive it the same.
Christian7 writes:
Is it not God, who said that Jesus is "upholding all things by the word of his power."
It doesn't matter. It could be Quetzalcoatl or it could be Zeus. What matters is the laws themselves. As long as we know WHAT they are, we don't need to know "where they came from".
Christian7 writes:
If it is not God, then by what or under what does the universe subsist, in which or in whom you can trust?
You have it backwards. If the laws were created by an all-powerful God, what's to prevent him from changing the laws at his whim? How could we trust them?
Christian7 writes:
And if you trust in it, then you trust not in science anymore, but have faith in that thing or being which causes the universe to move.
No. We can NOT trust in a God who was the power to arbitrarily change the laws. We trust the laws themselves only because we do not observe them changing. Ifr they did change, we would change our use of them.
Christian7 writes:
And if nothing causes the universe to move, but the universe moves itself, then you trust in the universe, and have faith in it.
No. We do NOT have "faith" in the universe. We only react to what we see it doing. If its behavior changed, we would change our reaction. We have no more "faith" in it than we have in the direction that a baseball will bounce on the field. We can only react to what it actually DOES.
Christian7 writes:
Without trust their is no certainty. And without certainty there is no knowledge. For knowledge is certainty of truth.
See above. You can NOT be certain of a God who has the power to change "the truth".
"I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man!"
-- Lucky Ned Pepper