Your atrocious behavior is doing more to discredit, disgrace, and demean Christianity than anything you profess to believe...
In the name of Jesus, and by the authority of His shed blood I rebuke you evil spirits that have dared render our member Faith so ineffective and such a tool of Satan...
Hi Phat,
You say that Faith discredits and demeans Christianity, and then you proceed to publicly cast invisible monsters out her. Seriously, you guys have no sense of irony or real self-reflection.
Faith is ignorant, perhaps beyond help at this point, and an asshole. Plain and simple. She doesn't need help from invisible monsters. If you have to pray, you should ask for discernment. It helps us distinguish between things that are real, and things that are not.
Edited by Aussie, : No reason given.
"...heck is a small price to pay for the truth"