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Faith  Suspended Member (Idle past 1746 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
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Author | Topic: The Right Side of the News | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Faith  Suspended Member (Idle past 1746 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
Donald Trump was a lifelong Democrat and realistically only made the switch to a Republican when it benefited him as a political expediency. Now Democrats despise him and Republicans fawn over him. He started seeing things the way some of us on the right see them and in order to represent us he had to join the Republican party. Nothing at all strange about that, people do change parties for other reasons all the time too. And for the rest of your points, people often vote for the person which often means voting different parties, nothing unusual here. What's odd is your seeing contradictions where there are none.
Faith  Suspended Member (Idle past 1746 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
The commentary I've heard has only said that Trump has the right to appoint the acting AG. That's a far cry from your original claim:
From all the commentary I've been hearing it certainly is perfectly legal and constitutional. "Far cry? Looks about identical to me. "has the right" is the same as"perfectly legal and constitutional." I added my own thoughts about it but that doesn't change the point: Seems to me it would be pretty silly if he could name Sessions and then his permanent successor and not be allowed to name the interim AG as well. He didn't like the politics of the next guy in line, so he chose one he likes better, what's wrong with that? Just considering why he must have the right. There's no "rar cry" here. And all my commentators continue to say of course he has the constitutional right, that it's just the usual Leftist obstructionism to make an issue of something as simple as his appointing an acting AG that everyone knows has the right credentials.
We expect a competent president to vet his appointments. Vet a short term acting appointment beyond the basic qualifications that everybody recognizes? Nonsense. You don't waste time vetting an acting AG beyond the bare minimum. Edited by Faith, : No reason given.
Faith  Suspended Member (Idle past 1746 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
I think what I said here about Trump's use of the term "nationalism" is right, he means "Americanism," working for America's interests. But yesterday i heard some disucssion of these terms that suggests he should use "Americanism" isntead because "nationalism" has too many different connotations depending on which nation is espousing it. "Americanism" is about American culture which is not the same as French or German or any other culture. American culture takes people from all over the world and melts us all together into one American Culture based on the Constitution. It's very far from racism or xenophobia. But we can only have an American Culture if immigrants come here wanting to assimilate into it, which doesn't happen with illegals, and doesn't happen when the Left enforces "multiculturalism" which is NOT the melting pot. Anyway, this is what Trump had in mind but he should probably use "Americanism" instead.
JonF Member (Idle past 470 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
Yeah, who cares if he's a grifter who harrases poor old ladies for their money. Or that he makes it explicit that he opposes much of the foundations of our democracy. Or that he's rabidly partisan and makes Sessions look like a Democrat.
It's not as if the DOJ has any function beyond enforcing the Leader's whims.
ooh-child Member (Idle past 646 days) Posts: 242 Joined: |
Vet a short term acting appointment beyond the basic qualifications that everybody recognizes? Nonsense. Shut down by the Federal Trade Commission for defrauding thousands of hopeful inventors, the scam patent firm whose advisory board included Acting Attorney General Matt Whitaker now faces a criminal probe.The Wall Street Journal confirmed the existence of an active FBI investigation into World Patent Marketing late Friday, as new evidence comes to light regarding the role in scam played by the man tapped to succeed Jeff Sessions, who resigned Wednesday at the request of President Donald Trump. FBI Investigating Scam Patent Firm That New AG Advised | Courthouse News Service This guy is under FBI investigation, yet you believe he's been properly vetted? You're incredibly nave.
JonF Member (Idle past 470 days) Posts: 6174 Joined: |
The white supremacists think he means something different. Especially since he won't condemn neo-Nazis and their ilk.
Faith  Suspended Member (Idle past 1746 days) Posts: 35298 From: Nevada, USA Joined: |
My problem is that I simply do not trust anything you lefties say. I am not going to follow up on all of your allegations because I know at least half of them are bogus politically motivated distractions. If sometimes you're right, fine, but I so hate the Left's tactics and basic attitude I really almost don't care. It's nothing but fingerpointing and hatemongering and character assassination from your side, it's going to destroy the country and that's what I care about. I guess I'm going to have to give up on the country, it's going to hell faster than anyone could possibly hope to stem the tide, barring a miracle. I can still hope and pray for that. Anyway I answered your claim that I was contradicting myself. I was not, you don't bother to acknowledge that and beyond that I'm sick of everything all of you have to say about absolutely everything.
Percy Member Posts: 23087 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 6.3 |
Faith writes: You're calling anti-fascists fascists.
No, I am not confused, you are. The true fascists are the ones calling themselves anti-fascists as I said I guess it kind of depends upon your goals. If it's to cast unsubstantiated allegations, then you're succeeding tremendously. But if it's to say things that are true then you are hopelessly confused. Fascism has a definition, and Antifa isn't fascist. Few would disagree if you only said that Antifa employs tactics not all that dissimilar from the Nazi brownshirts, but employment of similar tactics is not equivalent to having similar politics. If it were then the fact that during WWII both sides employed similarly equipped armies, navies and airforces would mean their politics must be similarly equivalent, but that's wouldn't be true, and in fact is glaringly false to anyone with a brain. I don't know why you persist in arguing against the blindingly obvious. Get a dictionary.
And I am far from the only one saying this. This isn't a vote. When huge numbers of people are wrong about something, those huge numbers don't make them right. You're using the "50 million Frenchmen can't be wrong" fallacy again. In case you don't remember, that's more formally known as the argumentum ad populum fallacy.
I realize you have to make your way through a thicket of leftist spin to find right-wing commentary of the sort I've been listening to lately but most on my side of the fence agree that it's the Antifa brownshirts who are the fascists. And what arguments do the right-wing commentators make that persuade you that anti-fascists are actually fascists?
They have the intolerance of those who disagree with them that characterizes fascists and the willingness to do harm to them, with the character assassination tactics that make "vermin" out of human beings and that sort of thing. I think we can all agree that Antifa is intolerant, but they're not right-wing or nationalistic or autocratic. Antifa is actually a collection of far left-wing groups. Their embrace of violence as a tactic is unrelated to their varied politics.
The call to violence was made only too clear by that Antifa guy in the video I posted yesterday being interviewed by Tucker Carlson. If you represent anything they "think" is a threat to them, though you've merely expressed an opinion and are otherwise minding your own business, they can justfiy "defending" themselves against you, like by beating up someone wearing a MAGA hat, or people attending a right wing speaker on a campus, or scaring Tucker Carlson's wife and doing damage to his property. I didn't watch the video, but to say again for the umpteenth time, I think I can safely say that most everyone here condemns Antifa tactics.
(And I do hope pictures of the damage to door and car will show up eventually). Faith, what is wrong with you? There was nothing about door or car damage in the police report. You're making the same unsubstantiated allegations over and over again. It's as if (hard to believe, I know) that what you believe is more important to you than what the facts say. Is it that you just like to argue, and that if you said things that were true then no one would argue with you, so you instead make sure you say things that are false just so you'll be sure you have people to argue with?
I assume everyone here is against most Antifa tactics, specifically property damage, physical violence, and harassment, and I think it is these tactics that are causing your confusion. A fascist isn't someone who employs these tactics, but rather someone who believes in an authoritarian nationalist right-wing style of government that can also include control of industry, suppression of criticism, and racism. Yes it is the violence, but it is also the totalitarian intolerant mindset. Well that's just crazy. There's nothing totalitarian about Antifa. There's nothing particularly democratic about them, either. If they have a political philosophy it's a range from far left-wing to anarchy.
See my signature. Reagan called it years ago. If fascism ever comes to America it will be on the liberal side. Your signature misquotes Reagan. What he actually said was, "You know, someone profoundly once said many years ago that if fascism ever comes to America that it will come in the name of liberalism." No such statement as Reagan claims has ever been found. It's widely suspected that Reagan was misquoting a maxim (often misattributed to Sinclair Lewis): "When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross." If you want to know more about attempts to track down where that latter quote came from then check out the Snopes article, but it won't get you any closer to finding where Reagan's quote came from. If you want to see Reagan actually saying what I just told you he said then watch this very, very short video:
You seem to be making a career of being wrong, even about simple, obvious and easily looked up things. If there's something that can be got wrong, you'll do it. I liked Reagan, still like him, voted for him twice, but I don't have any illusions about him. He liked telling a good story. He never let accuracy get in the way, but accuracy was never his strong point anyway. Fiscally conservative and socially liberal, politically I'm an independent. Except for Jimmy Carter, who I thought a wonderful human being but a terrible president, I've been pretty much fine with every president, even Nixon except for the Watergate part. It does feel a bit strange to me to be so strongly against a particular president, but I'm deeply offended by Trump's lying and misrepresentations, by his crude and vulgar style, by his frequent attacks on anything he doesn't like, and by his deep partisanship that makes him really only president of the Republican part of the country.
This insistence on the right wing orientation is a big smokescreen that can only mislead people. Suppression of criticism is certainly on the Left these days, even with violence, it is not on the Right, and racism is on the Left too, as Tucker Carlson keeps pointing out, it is NOT on the Right. The Left just keeps calling people on the Right racists with NO justification WHATEVER. WAKE UP. There's plenty of evidence of Republican racism, especially at the top ("very fine people on both sides"), and you have a very short memory. We're still counting votes in Florida and Georgia where we witnessed determined Republican-led voter suppression efforts to disenfranchise blacks.
Fascism is closer to the right-wing politics of Trump and yourself, and pretty far from the anti-right-wing politics of Antifa. As I say above you are badly misled. Badly. The reverse is true. Why are your allegations always unsubstantiated and uninformed? "Right-wing" is part of the very definition of fascism.
Trump has done a great deal of damage to American institutions, like the Department of Justice, the FBI, the judiciary when they rule against him, and the integrity of elections that yield Democratic winners, and he believes people serving in his administration owe their loyalty to him rather than to the Constitution. We need someone to be president of all the United States, not just the Republicans. The Left won't let him. You're claiming the left is forcing Trump to be president of only the Republicans? How does this even make sense?
If a fascist is someone who believes in an authoritarian nationalist right-wing style of government, then what part of the definition of fascism doesn't fit Trump? Right wing is maybe the only part that does fit, maybe. He is not an authoritarian,... Trump is most certainly authoritarian. He's threatened and intimidated the media, criticized judges who ruled against him, attacked the Department of Justice and the FBI, attempted to rule by executive order, attacked allies, lied interminably, locked up children of immigrants, and obstructed justice, that I can think of at the moment.
...but the Left is. The left has been largely out of power at both the state and federal level. Even if they wanted to act in an authoritarian manner, they've had no opportunity. You're being absurd.
It's the Left that is willing to steal votes because they don't care about democracy they just want to run the show. Another unsubstantiated allegation.
We are getting news as a leftist blitz that shuts out right wing views and is even threatening to erase them from the Internet, which has already happened though it's hard to prove. Allegations with no evidence are often hard to prove.
This is the media doing this, and they have as much power as the President or more when it comes to controlling information,... Mostly the media just points their cameras at the president and lets him talk.
...which is really propaganda. If you're calling it propaganda when the media broadcasts what the president says, then I agree with you.
Those on the Left are totalitarians. You said this already. It's still an absurd unsubstantiated allegation.
No, not ALL, and I'm sure there are many who don't know this is the main thrust of the Left... If anyone doesn't know left from right, it's you.
...but it is and they are tacitly supporting it. "It" meaning what? I assume you're not going to tell us, just allege "it".
I know you don't see this and you think we are just inventing conspiracies that don't exist, but spend some time on my side of this for a change. You haven't provided an ounce of evidence for anything you say. You posts are just wall-to-wall name-calling. It's not possible to consider your point of view because you never provide any support for it. The only thing that comes across clearly is your reality-free bias.
And you are refusing to understand what he means by "nationalist" just as so many others are. And you are refusing to see how his declarations of nationalism are emboldening to white nationalists.
He means he wants to support American interests. More completely, he wants to support American interests at the expense of the rest of the world by claiming perpetual victimhood for America, in the same way he keeps claiming victimhood for himself.
It's a way of saying he's an anti-globalist. Yes, we know. Unfortunately for Trump, we all live on the same globe. He sees the world as a zero-sum game, where for one country to win another country must lose. He doesn't understand that win-win is possible.
He's our President after all so he considers himself to be working for American citizens. I'm sure he does, but he doesn't know how to do it. It sure isn't through tariffs whose ill effects are beginning to ripple through the economy (e.g., Dow Ends Sharply Lower Led by Apple and Goldman as Trade War Fears Grow).
Obama was working for our enemies,... Gee, I thought Obama was cooperating with our allies, as opposed to Trump who seems determined to alienate them and abdicate America's position of world leadership. Which enemies did you see Obama working for, and what is your evidence?
...he was not a nationalist... Agreed, Obama was not a nationalist.
...and did not care one bit for Americans,... Yet another absurd unsubstantiated allegation.
...that's why Trump won. Trump ran against Hillary Clinton, not Barack Obama.
A nationalist as Trump embodies it wants to enforce our immigration laws,... Since Obama deported more illegal immigrants than his Republican predecessor, I think it can safely be said that he enforced our immigration laws. One doesn't have to be a nationalist to believe in the rule of law. Trump just uses immigrants as a bogeyman issue to rile up his base.
...wants to protect our jobs,... One doesn't have to be a nationalist to want to protect American jobs. But one does have to understand that free trade, a key conservative principle, is central to global prosperity, and America is part of the globe.
...wants to protect our borders,... One doesn't have to be a nationalist to be in favor of secure borders.
...wants to protect our culture which is a melting pot of people from all over the world who want to be Americans with our constitutional mindset,... Given that much of the rest of the world has parliamentary forms of government, it isn't likely that immigrants, no matter their origin, would arrive with "our constitutional mindset." You're being ridiculous again.
...which they don't have and won't have as long as you don't require them to come in legally and assimilate. Everyone's in favor of legal immigration. What many are opposed to is government imposed cruelty in the name of immigration enforcement.
He cares about Americans and American culture. What Trump seems to care about is himself, and to that end he solicits support from those who share his autocratic xenophobic nationalistic racist views.
Hitler wanted to conquer the whole world under his version of nationalism, but that has nothing to do with Trump's use of the term. Agreed that Trump doesn't want to conquer the world, but like Hitler he's using his advocacy of nationalism to pursue his own country's interests at the expense of the rest of the world.
And some people put the word "white" in front of "nationalist" to distort the idea further. The recently expressed concern is that white nationalists will see use of the term as emboldening. Another concern is that it makes the rest of the world believe that America will pursue its own interests at their expense.
Trump is no racist. Yeah, sure, he's very fine people, but the white nationalists seem to think he's a racist. Are you sure they're wrong? Why?
He meant what he said about welcoming LEGAL immigrants because we need them. Well, in that case there's a whole caravan of thousands of migrants on its way to our borders prepared to legally apply for political asylum in order to escape death and destitution. Let's see Trump live up to what he says by letting them in, helping them get settled, and letting them get to work.
Political Correctness that calls him a racist and a fascist and a xenophobe is all LIES. WAKE UP. I agree Trump's not a fascist. My argument has been that if one is going to throw the term fascist around regarding Antifa that it is important to note that Trump possesses more fascist qualities than Antifa. The rest is just more unsubstantiated claims. The evidence says that Trump is a racist. I gave you some of that evidence, such as Trump's efforts to exclude blacks from his buildings in the 1970's, and his advocacy of the death penalty for the blacks and Hispanics of the Central Park rape case in the 1980's, and his reference to the racists in Charlottesville as "very fine people" just last year. And Trump's also a xenophobe. Besides Putin, the Saudi Arabian prince and Kim Jong Un, name a foreigner Trump likes? --Percy
Percy Member Posts: 23087 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 6.3 |
Faith writes: Here's an example of censorship of the right from the left. Facebook deems the commentary of the duo Diamond and Silk to be "unsafe" because they are pro-Trump. Diamond and Silk's claims of censorship by Facebook have been debunked:
You've been duped. Again. --Percy
Percy Member Posts: 23087 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 6.3
Faith writes: My problem is that I simply do not trust anything you lefties say. We know. But you've never been able to provide a factual basis for that distrust, and most of what you claim is either unsubstantiated or absurd.
I am not going to follow up on all of your allegations because I know at least half of them are bogus politically motivated distractions. If you *know* that half of what we say is bogus, which implies that there is a factual basis for this belief, then why do you so rarely provide any facts.
If sometimes you're right, fine, but I so hate the Left's tactics and basic attitude I really almost don't care. This implies an emotional rather than factual basis for what you believe.
It's nothing but finger-pointing and hatemongering and character assassination from your side,... If you don't like the criticism of Trump, try supporting a politician who tells the truth, treats others with respect, heeds the rule of law, esteems and strengthens American institutions, cooperates with allies, holds dictators at a distance, and treats illegal immigrants humanely.
...it's going to destroy the country and that's what I care about. I think that if all the worst instincts of Trump's nature could be eliminated then the country would be much the better for it.
I guess I'm going to have to give up on the country, it's going to hell faster than anyone could possibly hope to stem the tide, barring a miracle. Have you told Trump the country's going to hell? You really should, because he's under the impression he's insuring the strong economy will continue and that we're going to win so much that we'll get sick of it. He's not worried about the left at all. In fact, he's even further encouraged by last week's stunning Republican victories at all levels of government, as could be told by his cool and relaxed demeanor at the next day's press conference.
I'm sick of everything all of you have to say about absolutely everything. I think you might be too emotionally invested in your political positions, and too frustrated by your inability to offer them any factual support. --Percy
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
DNA testing indicated that Jarrett is of 49% European, 46% African, and 5% Native American descent. Valerie Jarrett - Wikipedia And, the reason Roseanne was fired wasn't just that one tweet. I was at a taping last year, and there's so much more to the story than what's been generally reported. My only point was that people have no problem flip-flopping so long as serves their interests. "Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine
Hyroglyphx Inactive Member |
He started seeing things the way some of us on the right see them and in order to represent us he had to join the Republican party. Nothing at all strange about that, people do change parties for other reasons all the time too. And for the rest of your points, people often vote for the person which often means voting different parties, nothing unusual here. What's odd is your seeing contradictions where there are none. So you don't find it odd listening to Democrats for the last 50 years defending Russia and then, when it became apparent that Putin supports Trump over Clinton, that you'd think you were listening to Sen. McCarthy when talking to Democrats in modern times? I think that's pretty telling when it come to how fickle people can be. You know damn well if Russia chose Clinton that you wouldn't hear a peep about "collusion" from Democrats. "Reason obeys itself; and ignorance submits to whatever is dictated to it" -- Thomas Paine
Percy Member Posts: 23087 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 6.3
Hyroglyphx writes: So you don't find it odd listening to Democrats for the last 50 years defending Russia... Because you and Faith are talking about parties changing views and people changing parties, I can't tell if you're saying this or repeating something Faith said before proceeding on to rebut it, but this doesn't sound familiar. Thinking back, I recall that Carter sold wheat to the Soviet Union, but then boycotted the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow because the Soviet Union had invaded Afghanistan, so I don't know what in Carter's administration is being seen as "defending Russia." The collapse of the Soviet Union caused Clinton to shift toward a closer relationship with Russia while helping them toward a market economy and more representative government, so that doesn't sound like "defending Russia," either. That leaves Obama, and again I can't guess what he did to "defend Russie." So I'm lost what this is about. --Percy
Percy Member Posts: 23087 From: New Hampshire Joined: Member Rating: 6.3 |
Only non-fans of Saturday Night Live will have to ask, "Who is Dan Crenshaw?" He is a Republican representative-elect from Texas. On the November 3rd show SNL's Pete Davidson mocked Crenshaw's appearance (he wears an eyepatch because while operating as a SEAL in Afghanistgan his right eye was obliterated by an IED). SNL realized that they had crossed a line and invited Crenshaw to appear on the November 10th show:
Crenshaw wrote an opinion piece for today's Washington Post (SNL mocked my appearance. Here’s why I didn’t demand an apology.) that includes the following:
quote: --Percy
xongsmith Member Posts: 2639 From: massachusetts US Joined: Member Rating: 6.2
Hyro inquires:
So you don't find it odd listening to Democrats for the last 50 years defending Russia... WHEN??? I might have to go all the back to Isadora Duncan's day to find such things.- xongsmith, 5.7d
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