Phat writes:
Can you really be confident that you are right and all of the believers in error?
Yes - such is the confidence that comes along with searching for truth using objective evidence.
Many claim they have subjective evidence.
This fact is what points in the direction of having confidence that they are wrong.
If the beliefs just started moments ago: "Wow - did you SEE that???"
-then you have a point. Perhaps the belief is correct.
-correct course of action is to go and investigate
But that's not what's going on.
The beliefs have been in place for thousands of years.
And... nothing. Not any objective evidence to back them up. Just people with "subjective evidence."
We've seen this before - many people having subjective evidence with no objective evidence to back them up:
-sacrifices are required to bring rain
-blood letting is a cure for all ailments
-vaccines give your kid autism
-"Want to know what's great about this time-share?" "Sure, can you show me something?" "No! ...but it's soooooo amazing!!!"
Can you name one thing where millions of people believed in subjective evidence, and when objective evidence came around... they were right?
If not, and I can name many, many examples of the objective evidence showing the "subjective evidence" to be false... that's what gives "confidence" that I am right and all the believers are in error.
That's what confidence means - that's where confidence comes from - where similar situations have happened before, and the same particular outcome occurred.
It's not a guarantee - but it's certainly
confidence - much higher confidence then we have for other things like "I'm not going to die on my commute into work tomorrow."
Phat writes:
Evidently, you and the hardcore skeptics are unimpressed with their stories.
I am impressed with the stories.
I'm also impressed with ghost stories.
I'm also impressed with alien stories.
I'm also impressed with selling-the-brooklyn-bridge stories.
I just don't have any confidence in them.
Because that's what experience has taught us for such types of stories.
Is it impossible for God to exist?
Is it impossible for ghosts to exist?
Is it impossible for aliens to walk amongst us?
Is it impossible to buy to the brooklyn bridge for $1?
Not at all.
But I'm pretty darn confident that they are all wishful thinking.
I'm not convinced that it's best for us to teach society that cherished beliefs are a myth.
I'm not convinced either.
But we've tried this - and it doesn't turn out well. A lot of society seems to think that "subjective evidence" is a great idea to apply to other aspects of their lives:
-like gambling
-like "multi-level marketing" scams
-like believing politicians at their word
-like marrying your high-school sweetheart just because "that's what people do" after they've been together for a while
Perhaps it's time to try to aim society away from "subjective evidence."
What are you afraid of in teaching people that "cherished beliefs" are, indeed "cherished beliefs" and not facts?
Perhaps some people need to have the entire world "believe something" so that they can, too.
But, if so - why destroy the entire world (see gambling, multi-level marketing, believing politicians, etc...) just to appease a handful in a tiny, subsection of their lives?
Perhaps there is another way to help these few cope while not handicapping entire societies?
I guess im just puzzled why you alone (with a few others) concluded the way that you did. After all you spent a third of your life in churches. Was there not anyone who impressed you with honesty and good character? I sometimes feel as if skeptics and critics think all of Christianity is simply charlatans and fantasy based dreamers.
My dream is that one day, some day... you will finally move past this false dichotomy you've been trained into holding onto.
Again, for the umpteenth time:
Nobody has a problem with believers who are honest and good people.
Nobody has a problem with believers who are not charlatans and fantasy dreamers.
Nobody has a problem with the vast majority of believers.
There's only a problem when believers attempt to pass their "belief" as "truth."
That's obviously wrong and needs to be stopped.
That is the path of charlatans and fantasy dreamers.
That is the path that "subjective evidence" encourages.