The mutation process is quite random involving copy error, error correction attempts that glitch, whole gene/gene segment duplication, viral insertion, cosmic ray interference at one loci, all anywhere along the entire length of the genome without regard for what molecules are affected or what proteins or protein producing processes, are affected or how.
A lot of the resultant mutations do nothing. A lot of them aren’t so good. Some, though, make it easier to live, love and propagate. Those are the ones that lead to the reproductive differential that is Natural Selection by definition.]
You and PaulK are both making unsupported assertions. I understand this is what the ToE requires but it is nothing but an assumption that has zero evidence for it. In fact it is impossible that life could exist and evolve along the complicated paths the ToE requires by such a random means with such a low probability of coming up with the right ingredients at the right time. But that doesn't stop you guys. It can't be proved or disproved so you just go on believing it. There is no religion based on such an unlikely set of facts.