Porkandcheese writes:
I listened to another scientist who claimed this calculation was incorrect. His calculations were that the odds were 1x10^33. Its still a probability so huge you have a better chance of winning lotto I think.
People try to used the rhetorical device called, "playing it down", in several ways when confronted with the improbability-factor.
You are right that you will get a huge number no matter what the number is. But evolutionists are likely to come back with the classical canard on that by showing examples of unlikely things that occur every day.
However they don't show examples of unlikely things that have and can happen, that in any way compare to the size of the improbability-figure you logically MUST get from these scenarios if you entertain the absurd notion that the plain scientific fact of design is
Yes, someone in every twenty people may turn out to have my birthday, but what evolutionists miss is that this is underwhelming because the numbers and commonality make it actually a probable scenario.
Probability has to be understood in terms of WHICH probability-figure to focus upon.
What evolutionists miss is that with design it isn't a matter of supreme improbability and if we look at statistical probability, science-fact give you a figure that 1 in 1 things that had all of the usual features of intelligent design such as specified complexity and code, all turned out to have an intelligent designer.
The only reason to OPPOSE the conclusion of an intelligent designer when weighed against the absurd credulity abiogenesised evolution requires, is a BIAS against that designer turning out to be God.
That motive is not scientific because they argue against design VOCIFEROUSLY. But a person with a scientific attitude merely says, "okay, if it's design and that is more reasonable then so be it."
That is why I am one person that will
NOT BE IMPRESSED with the evolutionists here ASSOCIATING themselves with science and us with religion, because the designs in life are not a religious creed, they are proven to be more intelligent than ours.