Do we know if we are on a Virtual Server?
Yes. It's specified on their website materials:
Superb Internet | Cloud Servers
I agree that they likely have such things incorporated automatically at this point.
But, on the other side, it wouldn't be a shock if they attempted to charge extra or otherwise limit access to such "upgrades."
That's kind of why I recommend Percy grab a copy of the whitepaper they have for download. My suspicion is DR and backup likely come as different types of services. I can tell you that when I worked for a company years ago that had backup software, the type and manner of backup varied. Along with the disaster recovery aspects.
Generally, they all have some variant of DR and backup. It's just a question of which specific services you ask for. If you are a company that needs maximum uptime for your SAAS offering, you'd want some form of DR and backup that gets you on your feet again very quickly.
For EVC, I don't think it needs to be that robust. As much as we all like posting here, if the site was offline for a few days, it wouldn't be the end of the world.