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Author | Topic: Peanut Gallery Comments on Great Debate | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
An image that I've used before: A parakeet fighting with his own image in the mirror. I am talking with ICANT, who actually is a Baptist Pastor, by the way..in the context of discussing my religious beliefs. I am not coming at him as an unbiased journalist who is questioning his beliefs.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
You don't have to be an atheist/agnostic to be a critical thinker or a humanist.
... I would prefer not to allign myself with the critical thinking atheist/agnostic/humanist crowd who thinks the way you do. Phat writes:
On the contrary, the people on my "side" give me a much rougher ride when they disagree with me.
Talk about parakeets! You guys all get along in the cage! Phat writes:
You cherry-pick and sanitize, with no rationale except what is palatable.
Apart from that, I do not believe that the Bible is word for word literal. Phat writes:
Genesis 1 is demonstrably wrong about how it happened, so how can you trust its claims about who did it? So what think ye about Genesis 1 and John 1:1-2? John 1:1-2 is an obvious metaphor.
Phat writes:
We don't need "inspiration" to behave properly. The apostle Paul said so. Obviously, proper behaviour is more important than misinformation and/or metaphoric mumbo-jumbo.
Are they as important or inspired as your precious Matthew 25:31? Phat writes:
I'm not going to read ICANT's rubbish if I'm not allowed to respond directly. If you don't want me to respond in this thread, don't make yourself a target.
And lets keep this discussion limited to what ICANT and I speak about in our discussion. Phat writes:
You don't have to seek me. If you're here, you're a target. ICANT is a Baptist Pastor. I am specifically seeking a conversation with a Pastor. Not a Contrarian from Saskatchewan.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
Well, specifically YOUR God is fiction. Even you don't believe all of the stories about Him. The only difference between us is that I don't believe the cherry-flavoured ones either. Explain again why you don't claim to be an atheist yet state that God is fiction. I don't know much about most other gods, so it's possible that one or more of them might be real.
Phat writes:
Of course it does. It claims there were plants before the sun was created, for example. Genesis 1 does not claim anything about how it happened...And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
I don't separate Genesis 1:1 from the rest of the chapter any more than I separate, "Once upon a time there were three bears," from the rest of that story. To be more precise, I think we are talking Genesis 1:1...but I'll ask ICANT.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
Yes, that's where you go wrong. If you're going to pick and choose the parts you like, you might as well make up the whole thing from scratch.
I do have issues/questions with the rest of the book. Phat writes:
It's easy to get lost if you pick and choose the parts of the map that you like. If this gets me booted out of the club, I suppose im as lost as the rest of you.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
There's no reason to think there is. What does a skeptic like you believe? Is there a Creator of all seen and unseen. Yes or No.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
Then it isn't a reasonable question. I didnt ask for a reason.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
ICANT writes:
The only reason I ever mention Matthew 25 is because so many so-called "believers" ignore it or twist it.
Since Matthew 25:31 suites what ringo wants to believe there is no scripture more important than that particular one. ICANT writes:
That isn't what it says though. It says "all nations". God made a promise to the nations that helped the descendants of Abraham. That promise will be fulfilled in the following verses of Matthew 25:31-46 when the nations that have helped the descendants of Abraham will be allowed to go into the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
ICANT writes:
No you don't. You calimed in Message 33 that, "That promise will be fulfilled in the following verses of Matthew 25:31-46 when the nations that have helped the descendants of Abraham will be allowed to go into the 1000 year reign of Christ on the earth." ringo writes:
I just read it as it is written. The only reason I ever mention Matthew 25 is because so many so-called "believers" ignore it or twist it. That's false. It doesn't say anything about, "the nations that have helped the descendants of Abraham." It says, "all nations."
ICANT writes:
There are no "sheep nations" or "goat nations". People are judged individually. But only the sheep nations are allowed to go into the kingdom of the 1000 year reign of Christ.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
Phat writes:
Of course ringo claims that the message is important while the messenger isn't, but John 3:18 seems to challenge that claim.quote:We've been through this many times before. What does it mean to believe? If you throw the message away, how can you claim to "believe in" the messenger? Phat writes:
Jesus answered that question explicitly (Matthew 25). Which brings up the question: If one does all of the right things that Jesus commanded without believing that Jesus existed, where do they then stand?And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
Phat writes:
It's like you didn't read my post at all. Believing in the message is the only way to "believe in the messenger". Not bad preaching for a guy who doesn't believe in the messenger!And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
ICANT writes:
Since people are judge individually, "all nations" refers to the individual people of all nations. It doesn't make any sense to condemn a whole nation - the good along with the bad - and exonerate another whole nation - the bad along with the good. If that were so, there would be no individual salvation. You'd be saved or condemned along with your nation, regardless of your own belief or behaviour. The nations are judged and separated. Some nations will be sheep nations and some will be goat nations.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
ICANT writes:
Matthew 25 says "all nations". That means all people who are living at that time. It can not be divided by arbitrary "countries" as you claim and still be a judgement of individuals.
But not all individuals will be judged at the same judgment. ICANT writes:
Unscriptural - but still irrelevant. The people who are there will be judged individually, not by the artificial borders that they happen to live inside. The rapture will occur.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined: |
ICANT writes:
Matthew didn't say anything about Jerusalem and neither did I.
...everyone will not be in Jerusalem in order to be divided into sheep nations and goat nations. ICANT writes:
His physical lineage is not relative. Jesus considered all men an women as brothers and sisters. Note the story of the Good Samaritan.
Jesus entered the world through the linage of David so He is talking about the descendants of Abraham. ICANT writes:
On the contrary, it is ONLY individuals that are mentioned. Countries don't feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit prisons, etc. (In fact, right-wing Christians tend to assert that those things should ONLY be done by individuals and NOT by governments.)
You will notice there is no individual mentioned that is your assertion which is not supported by the text. ICANT writes:
The scripture says those alive will be caught up in the air to meet the Lord in the air.quote: 1Thessalonians 4:16-17 talks about the second coming of Jesus. It is not a separate event. And it says nothing about the dead rising - so no, it doesn't agree with your definition of the "rapture".
ICANT writes:
You're the one who is changing what the word says, as I have shown. ringo disagrees, so what? Rant on but you nor I have any right to change what the word says.And our geese will blot out the sun.
ringo Member (Idle past 727 days) Posts: 20940 From: frozen wasteland Joined:
ICANT writes:
Earth. Why would He be limited to one locale?
When Jesus comes back to earth where do you think He is going to return too? ICANT writes:
Indeed. Why would he? Which is why it makes no sense to assume Jerusalem.
Why would Matthew mention Jerusalem? ICANT writes:
You're funny. I have quoted what the Bible says and I have pointed out where you have twisted it.
For that matter why would you? Especially when you seem to know so little of what the Bible actually says. ICANT writes:
Sez you. Since Jesus was the Son of man, He was by definition the brother of all other sons of man.
I am a joint heir with Jesus that makes Him my big brother. ICANT writes:
But of course that is not how brotherhood works. Brothers are brothers by birth. They can also be nominal brothers, for all intents and purposes the same as biological brothers. But what you can not do is exclude biological brothers.
If a person has not accepted the offer of a free full pardon offered by God through the death on the cross being born into the family of God they are not Jesus brother. ICANT writes:
You missed the word "prisons". How many people does the US visit and comfort in prison?
The US spends between 700 and 800 billion per year on poverty in the US. The US spends 50 billion per year around the world. Sure seems to me our country is trying to feed and clothe a lot of people. ICANT writes:
It doesn't say that Jesus doesn't touch the earth. It just says that the living meet Him in the air.
The part of the quote I changed to green says this meeting takes place in the air. Jesus does not touch the earth so it is not the second coming. When His feet touch the Mount of Olives Zec. 14:4, that is the second coming. ICANT writes:
The large capital white text says the dead in Christ shall rise first. ICANT writes:
That part is entirely made up, 100% fiction, without a germ of truth to it.
This will take place a maximum of 7 and a minimum of 3 1/2 years before Jesus will set His feet on the Mount of Olives. ICANT writes:
If you're such a master debater, you should understand that the debater (you) doesn't get to decide who's winning.
But what you are doing is not even close to debating. It is not even close to arguing a point. You do not seem capable of reading and understanding what you read and being able to discuss it. ICANT writes:
YOU'RE dishonest, as many people besides me have pointed out. I DO have time to point out your dishonesty and your abuse of the scriptures and I will continue to do so.
I do not have time to be wasting trying to discuss something with someone who is being dishonest and not interested in the truth. ICANT writes:
I couldn't care less if you ever answer one of my posts but you can count on me answering your nonsense. You can run but you can't hide. So if your next post is as daff at the one I am responding too you will not have to worry about me answering another of your posts.And our geese will blot out the sun.
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