The usual mountain out of a molehill or evolution out of mere variation. Yes sexual selection. Microevolution. Separate populations defined by feather color. Microevolution. To call it speciation is to indulge in the usual self deception that keeps the ToE fantasy alive.
There is a lot of arrogant bluster there but no reason why this should not be considered an example of speciation in progress.
In fact the reality of two closely related - but easily distinguished - populations occupying different geographical regions - despite the lack of geographical barriers is reason enough to suspect that something of the sort is happening. That has been known for some time (it is also true in Britain). Steve Jones discusses it in
Almost Like a Whale (aka
Darwin’s Ghost)
I suppose that I should add the point that these crows have been considered separate species for a long time. The only new stuff is the genetic analysis - which includes evidence of selection.
Edited by PaulK, : No reason given.