The CODEX VATICANUS is a modified LXX old testament with new testament added and both being modified as late as 1400 AD.
That’s misleading. There are late replacements for lost material, but aside from that the latest corrections are 10th or 11th Centuries. However, the bulk of it is 4th Century.
Since the Pope as the head of the church is God He can change anything He wants to change.
This may be the doctrine of your lunatic fringe Catholic cult, but it is certainly not the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church.
You should be able to understand by those two comments I would not even consider the CODEX VATICANUS as God's Word even though it would contain some of God's words.
That’s odd because your comments claim that the Pope is God, and imply that the Pope ordered the changes. So I see the exact opposite in your comments.