Nothing is ever going change that believe of him/her. Remember, if Faith ever changed that believe, he/she will burn for ever and ever (in his/her mind).
On a wider note (and playing amateur psychologist here), this does underline what I think is the main reason for Trump's unwavering evangelical support base, in the face of so much evidence that he is a lying hawkster. They cannot admit, ever, under any circumstances, that they believe in something based on lies. They have to deny any and all evidence to the contrary. Because if they admit that one thing they have believed in is a lie, then it automatically calls into question everything else they believe in.
Their blind support for Trump has less, I think, to do with any genuine need to believe in him - it's more to do with a fear that acceptance of any belief as being false means that they might also be wrong about booking their ticket to heaven by wearing the evangelical Christian badge of their choice.
Could there be any greater conceit, than for someone to believe that the universe has to be simple enough for them to be able to understand it ?