AnswersInGenitals writes:
(Can someone please explain how to use the EvC datadropsite to show a graph or image?)
I have wanted to do this for a long time. Adminnemooseus's comments about current behavior are accurate. Basically, the DataDropsite is for my personal use. I upload stuff to it using an ssh/ftp app.
I have something else I'm trying to clean up right now, but when I'm done I'll tackle this one. People should post any feature/usability requests they want. I can't commit to how fancy I can get. What I'd really like is drag/drop of images or PDFs or HTML files or whatever into message boxes. They'd get uploaded to the server when the message is posted.
Each member would have his own space, and I'd add a new section to the Member Control Panel page that lists the content, which could be managed through uploads, name changes and deletions.
*is* a security issue that could have an impact. I have to make sure that malicious files can't be uploaded and executed.
-- | Percy |
| EvC Forum Director |