This scary picture also extends to those below 65, the researchers continued. During the five-week vaccination process 0.05 percent, meaning50 among 100,000, died. This is to be compared to the0.19 per 100,000 dying from COVID-19(who) are not vaccinated Hence the death rate of this age group increased by 260 (times) during this five-week period of the vaccination process, as compared to their natural COVID-19 death rate.
Do you notice what your excerpt carefully neglected to say - it neglected to say what the 50 people died from. So, let's do a bit of maths: 0.05 per cent over 5 weeks, means we can reasonably multiply that by 10 (5 weeks times 10 is close enough to a year) to get close to an annual figure of 0.5% in the under 65s. Using the UK as a reasonable comparable, the annual death rate in 2018 among the under 65s added up to around 0.41%. Near enough the same as the figures you quote. (
• Death rate in the UK 2020 by age | Statista )
So what your lying source is pretending to do, is use the usual annual death rate amongst human beings, and attribute it in its entirety to vaccines. Same trick as you're trying to pull in the other thread.
You need to find some rubes who can't do some basic research and some basic maths.
Could there be any greater conceit, than for someone to believe that the universe has to be simple enough for them to be able to understand it ?