If it wasn't semi-tropical in the past - what was a T-Rex doing there?
What the hell?! Have you been ignoring science for the last 30-odd years?
Tyrannosaurus rex was endothermic, or, to put it in terms you can understand, warm-blooded. It doesn't need a tropical environment.
Then I remembered that Yellowstone was practically devoid of large wild-life (elk, bison, etc.) until settlers pushed them in there (even today they have problems finding enough food). Same problem for the mammoths - what did they eat in the cold snowy wastelands of the north? If elk/bison can't survive - how could a larger animal?
Where the hell did you get that? The elk and bison in modern times have trouble with getting enough food because they're overpopulated. Tip: To find out what woolly mammoths would have eaten, look up "musk ox".
By the way, go look up the words "Penguins" and "Galapagos Islands" - they're not as frigid as you think...
Galapagos penguins aren't the same as other penguins. We're talking about penguins that can only live in frigid climates, like Kings and Emperors.
Proudly attempting to Google-Bomb Kent Hovind's website
Lying Dumbass