They could always run carbon 14 tests, but that's unlikely going to happen if they stick to the millions year old.
Doing carbon 14 on rock is a fools errand--you would get no meaningful answers. (And yes, I am familiar with the RATE project.)
I don't see why extant or not-that-old extinct dinosaurs would be a problem for evolutionists. As a matter of fact many cultures from the past tell stories about dragons (dinosaur-like creatures).
I think this question will be resolved if we find dragon (dinosaurs) skull/skeletons in medieval sites or ancient sites where people lived.
If you want to know about things found in medieval or other ancient sites, all you have to do is ask an archaeologist. We work with these time periods all the time. Don't you think it would be worth a Nobel Prize if we could document a dragon! (They don't have such a Nobel Prize for archaeology but they would create one for such a find!)
But with tens of thousands of archaeologists all over the world, along with geologists, sedimentologists, prospectors, landscapers, construction workers, gardeners and all the rest -- no such dragons have ever been found. There are tons of mammoths and mastodons, along with other now-extinct critters, but no dragons. I think the reason is that dragons are entirely mythical.
Why would they make up an imaginary animal?
Gee, let me think:
(Google "imaginary animal" and see how many thousands of critters you get.)