For the record, this topic was started April 24, 2005.
Other existing topics, in order of start date, include:
Dino blood - 19 messages, started June 11, 2002
Dinosaur blood? - 21 messages, started June 23, 2004
Answers In Genesis - Soft dinosaur tissue - 6 messages, started April 14, 2005.
Blood vessels, cells and proteins(!) discovered in dinosaur bones - 19 messages, started May 2, 2009.
Added by edit: There has been much related discussion in a topic that I wish I had shut down many years ago. To see that discussion, go
here and then proceed back up-thread.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : 21 messages, not 24 messages.
Edited by Adminnemooseus, : Added by edit link to recently closed topic.
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