Income, yes. Wealth, NO.
So I'm in the Netherlands, and so called "vermogen" (Wealth) tax works by only taxing what you earn on your wealth. If you've just got it in the bank, it's only 0,01%, because you're probably not earning much, bank interest, so it's very low, but if you've got investments, it's up to 6,17%
Basically, it's just an income tax.
Why shouldn't that be taxed? It's a form of income.
Republicans have no better answers than Democrats, but want the government to allow more free markets and less regulations.
They tend to have the answers that lead to explosive growths and then heavy collapses of systems. Deregulating leads to heavy short term incomes and long term instability.
I mean, most financial crashes in the US happened because banks could do stupid shit and weren't regulated.
Democrats seemingly want the government to be a large secular substitute for the church and feed and house everybody. How does that reward those of us who actually worked all of our lives?
Well, one day you might need it yourself, you might need medicaid or medicare, you might need help or support of some kind.
If you give a homeless person 10 bucks, do you shout it off the roof tops and want recognition for it?
If you're earning enough to be wealthy and have a good comfort of life and amenities, shouldn't it make you proud that you're providing for others who are having a harder time?
Republicans want to strip away a lot though, even from those who worked hard, look at support for Veterans, how many of them fought in wars, got hurt, lost limbs, unable to work, but so many of them are on the street because they're not getting any support anymore.
Congressional Republicans' Legislation: 22% Cuts That Would Harm American Families, Seniors and Veterans | OMB | The White House
So, tax cuts to the rich, while actual cuts to american families who are already having a hard time.
Now, I'm not saying Democrats don't have issues, they tend to be pretty spineless, weaksauce, they don't push hard and agressive enough for things they want and a lot of them are also in the pocket of big corporations.
But in an apples to apples comparison, they're the party of the people way more than Republicans, who just pretend to be.