There's yet another clear evidence that life was not intelligently designed or in fact designed at all.
It is so common and so visible that we as a society have written laws to prevent or minimize that fact.
No even halfway good engineer, architect, programmer would not adopt and use a proven solution rather than invent yet another version. To prevent just that we have created copyright and patents and Trade Marks so the original creator retains all the rights to use the idea, process, method, mechanism, name or slogan.
But the ID and Creationism folk all claim that there is only one creator, not a spectrum of creators that cannot simply copy what works.
Second, in designed objects when an idea does get copied it will have slight adaptation that make it better in the single individual application.
But when we look at living stuff what we find is that pieces parts keep getting keep getting reused but without the individual modification that would make it better is some specific instance. So we end up with a poorly designed human eye and no padding on shins or funny bones and left over pieces that really don't make the critter better.
There are only three possible explanations.
First there was not one but a whole host of creators of varying talent constrained by some Heavenly Patent, Copyright, Trade Mark system.
Second, there were lots of creators and none of them were any good and they were all learning on the job.
Or there was no creator and what we see is simply evolution in action.