Are these people actually insane?
Yep. They (and to be honest, half or more of the world's leaders) are at a point where their level of privilege and power has removed them from the world of decency, compassion and sanity.
They are prepared to consider wiping out billions of fellow human beings in a nuclear holocaust, as long as they get to survive in a sparkly nuclear bunker, with enough luxuries, lapdogs and concubines to keep them happy until they die.
Saddest fact of all is that so many ordinary people are prepared to swallow their lies and vote them in to power. "Don't trust democracy, with all of its kindness, equality and attemps to save the planet - vote for autocracy instead, and we'll let you piss on some minorities (as long as we get to piss on you, of course)."
Could there be any greater conceit, than for someone to believe that the universe has to be simple enough for them to be able to understand it ?