If UCA fails, we need to reconsider our origins.
UCA is not about to fail. Even if we accepted your butterfly argument and even if we accepted it pointed to an intelligent designer why would we conclude that butterflies were an individual creation? Surely it would make more sense to assume that the designer worked by using genetic engineering to modify a moth.
We have branches of species with larvae gradually changing into their adult form, and branches of species where larvae/caterpillars that completely rid of their larvae form to grow their adult appearance
We have species of insects where the juveniles are simply smaller adults.
We have species of insects where the adult (imago) stage is notably different from the juvenile (nymph), but do not undergo complete metamorphosis.
For some of those species of insects the form that emerges from the eggs (pro-nymph) is different from the nymph.
Of the species of insects that pupate we have some which start the transformation to adult form before entering the pupa stage (silkworm larvae have the beginnings of wings).
It seems that we do have adequate intermediates, allowing for the timescales involved.
Current thinking - which is not hard to find - is that the larva is a development of the pro-nymph and the pupa is a development of the nymph.