AZPaul3 writes:
Religion defined itself by its own actions. A clear, non-apologist view, can see the war, the blood. We already know religion caused, aided and abetted evil in humanity. But that is history. The problem is the blood shed for false (supernatural) reasons continues to this day. What the Christians are doing in the African HIV pandemic, what the Muslims are doing to girls’ sex and education, violence Sikh-Hindu clashes in Punjab, the Israel/Palestine wars, the levant conflicts, centuries of strife throughout the middle east, are all religious wars. There are religious and religiously-dominated ethnic war zones all over the planet.
You seem to have the weird belief that humanity is peaceful and friendly, but religion fucks it all up. I'm not disputing that prior to the advent of secular society, all civil authority was religious and there were wars and oppression aplenty. But anyone who lived through the 20th century is allowed to ask why secular society has continued to cause wars, oppression and genocide.
I'm also not disputing that religious identities map conveniently onto ethnic identities, so demagogues can exploit the differences to cause pogroms, civil wars and genocides. But if you look at what happened in Bosnia or Rwanda, or what's still happening in Palestine and India, and say
the problem here is religion, I submit you're seeing what you want to see.
You may be right that "There hasn’t been a war, modern or ancient, that did not have God’s blessing," but you really think that WWII, for instance, wouldn't have come about if not for the magic and malign influence of religion? If so, you should think twice before accusing anyone else of delusion.
religion as a whole is an intellectual poison requiring suspension of critical thought
Congratulations, you just dealt yourself a hundred winning hands in a row. The reason they don't let you do that in Vegas is because there's nothing even remotely impressive about it. Again, it might make you feel good to vent your disdain and superiority, but your sloganeering says jack about the phenomenon of religion.
Religion has been used as a tool of control and violence for forever.
But by that standard alone, scientific and technological progress makes religion look like a piker. Does the way science enables domination and slaughter reflect badly on it even in the least, he asked expecting the answer NO?
the flow of religious poison
It seems like only one of us is trying to be reasonable here, and the other is just peddling stale rhetoric.